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The development of the Sustainable Intensification Assessment Framework Online Toolkit was led by Zachary P. Stewart, B. Jan Middendorf, and P.V. Vara Prasad building from the Sustainable Intensification Assessment Framework Guide and Manual developed by Mark Musumba, Philip Grabowski, Cheryl Palm, and Sieglinde Snapp under the guidance of the steering committee of Gundula Fischer, Bruno Gerard, Jerry Glover, Fred Kizito, Generose Nziguheba, Vara Prasad, Peter Thorne, and Bernard Vanlauwe.

This project is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents of this website are the responsibility of the Feed the Future Sustainable Intensification Innovation Lab and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.

Suggested Citation

Stewart, Z. P., B. J. Middendorf, M. Musumba, P. Grabowski, C. Palm, S. Snapp, and P.V.V. Prasad.©. Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Collaborative Research on Sustainable Intensification, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, November 2018.