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How to Use the Assessment Framework

The Sustainable Intensification Assessment Framework aims to realistically serve donor investment and practitioners’ needs by being adaptable to specific contexts and by providing a range of measures for any given indicator: from the “gold standard” to feasible proxies that are less resource demanding.

What are the steps to effectively use the SI indicator framework?

Engaging stakeholders

  • Identify and engage stakeholders
  • Develop objectives and hypotheses regarding the effects of an innovation

Selecting indicators

  • Select indicators linked to objectives across domains

Identifying critical tradeoffs and synergies

  • Identify tradeoffs and synergies
  • Revise indicators selected

Selecting metrics

  • Decide how to measure each indicator based on the overall human and financial resources available and the expected importance of each indicator in each context.
  • Identify data and methods to quantify indicators


  • Collect data
  • Analyze and interpret results
  • Generate visualization

Share and reflect on output with stakeholders

The results of the analysis and the critical reflection on the implications of those results by stakeholders will lead to new questions or adaptations to innovations and refinement of indicator selection. The cycle can then repeat for further refinement of innovation assessment.

New stakeholders may need to be invited based on what was learned during the previous cycle. New priorities may arise from stakeholders and new hypotheses may be generated based on what was learned from the data collected. The innovation itself may have been adapted, thus altering its effects across the five domains and the indicators needed to assess its performance.

Step 1